Zipcode 4825BL belongs to post boxes in Breda

The zipcode 4825BL in Breda has the number range 1 to 77.

General information of zipcode 4825BL in Breda

Overview zipcode Breda
Zipcode 4825BL
Zipcode number 4825
Municipality Breda
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 4825BL in Breda

4825 AA Backer en Ruebweg 2 - 2
4825 AJ Steenen Hoofd 61 - 63
4825 AK Steenen Hoofd 2 - 60
4825 AL Kalshoven 7 - 29
4825 AM Kalshoven 6 - 46
4825 AN Kleine Krogt 2 - 36
4825 AN Kleine Krogt 9 - 37
4825 AP Riethil 1 - 11
4825 AP Riethil 6 - 20
4825 AR Moerlaken 3 - 9
4825 AS Regenbeemd 9 - 37
4825 AT Regenbeemd 6 - 42
4825 AV Hazepad 4 - 28
4825 AV Hazepad 3 - 17
4825 AX Prinsenhil 1 - 29
4825 AZ Eikdonk 4 - 10
4825 AZ Eikdonk 1 - 15
4825 BA Crogtdijk 10 - 58
4825 BC Konijnenberg 1 - 195
4825 BD Konijnenberg 22 - 80
4825 BE Konijnenberg 88 - 108
4825 BG Lijndonk 4 - 4
4825 BG Lijndonk 25 - 25
4825 BH Vossenberg 2 - 14
4825 BJ Terheijdenseweg 115 - 257
4825 BK Terheijdenseweg 259 - 469
4825 BL Oude Baan 1 - 77
4825 BL Oude Baan 2 - 66
4825 BM Trekpot 1 - 1
4825 BN Trekpot 2 - 10
4825 BP Nieuwe Bredase Baan 2 - 30
4825 BP Nieuwe Bredase Baan 3 - 5
4825 BX Salesdreef 1 - 1
4825 BZ Hartelweg 1 - 13
4825 BZ Hartelweg 2 - 24
4825 AR Moerlaken 2610 - 2610

Zipcode 4825BL in Breda on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Breda

Latitude and longitude of Breda
Latitude (N): 51.60807119
Longitude (E): 4.77359095

Homes for sale on zipcode 4825BL

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 4825BL.

Oude Baan 1 A
4825 BL Breda
€ 185.000 k.k.