Zipcode 5296 in Esch

The zipcode number 5296 in Esch belongs to PO boxes.

The postcode 5296 is located in the place Esch. This zip code has 191 complete zip codes. Esch is located in the municipality of Boxtel and the province is Noord-Brabant. View below all information, street names and zip codes of zip code 5296 from Esch.

General information of zipcode 5296 in Esch

Overview zipcode Esch
Number of zipcodes 95
Zipcode number 5296
Municipality Boxtel
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5296 in Esch

5296 KA Haarenseweg 1 - 31
5296 KB Haarenseweg 2 - 32
5296 KD Koolwijksestraat 1 - 3
5296 KE De Ruiting 1 - 7
5296 KE De Ruiting 2 - 8
5296 KG Pickensteeg 1 - 3
5296 KG Pickensteeg 2 - 2
5296 KH Witvensedijk 1 - 21
5296 KH Witvensedijk 2 - 12
5296 KJ Broekstraat 1 - 5
5296 KK Groenendaal 1 - 5
5296 KK Groenendaal 2 - 2
5296 KL Baarschot 2 - 6
5296 KM Spankerstraat 1 - 11
5296 KM Spankerstraat 2 - 16
5296 KN Runsdijk 1 - 7
5296 KN Runsdijk 2 - 18
5296 KP Gestelseweg 1 - 5
5296 KP Gestelseweg 4 - 10
5296 KR Nachtegaallaantje 1 - 1
5296 KR Nachtegaallaantje 2 - 4
5296 KS Heikant 2 - 6
5296 KS Heikant 3 - 15
5296 KT Smaldijkje 2 - 2
5296 KV Koningsweg 1 - 15
5296 KV Koningsweg 2 - 4
5296 KW Leunisdijk 1 - 27
5296 KX Leunisdijk 29 - 55
5296 KZ Leunisdijk 2 - 44
5296 LA Romeinseberg 1 - 15
5296 LA Romeinseberg 2 - 24
5296 LB Het Nieuwland 1 - 5
5296 LB Het Nieuwland 2 - 24
5296 LC Kollenberg 1 - 53
5296 LD Kollenberg 4 - 36
5296 LE Kollenberg 38 - 68
5296 LG Kerkdries 1 - 7
5296 LG Kerkdries 2 - 8
5296 LH Beemd 1 - 15
5296 LH Beemd 2 - 16
5296 LJ Hulsberg 1 - 31
5296 LK Hulsberg 2 - 32
5296 LL Lochtenberg 1 - 19
5296 LL Lochtenberg 2 - 24
5296 LM Postelstraat 1 - 31
5296 LN Postelstraat 2 - 38
5296 LP Postelstraat 40 - 76
5296 LR Vinkenheuvel 1 - 19
5296 LR Vinkenheuvel 2 - 22
5296 LS Dorpsstraat 1 - 3
5296 LT Dorpsstraat 5 - 43
5296 LV Dorpsstraat 2 - 44
5296 LX Weiakker 1 - 19
5296 LX Weiakker 2 - 20
5296 LZ Groenweg 1 - 25
5296 LZ Groenweg 2 - 22
5296 MA Den Bogerd 2 - 38
5296 NA Marktplein 1 - 7
5296 NA Marktplein 2 - 2
5296 NB De Schoolakker 1 - 3
5296 NB De Schoolakker 2 - 4
5296 NC De Wertjes 1 - 1
5296 NC De Wertjes 4 - 8
5296 ND Willibrordusweg 1 - 43
5296 NE Willibrordusweg 2 - 62
5296 NG Antoniusweg 1 - 19
5296 NH Antoniusweg 2 - 12
5296 NJ De Hofstad 1 - 23
5296 NK De Hofstad 2 - 16
5296 NL De Langvelden 1 - 21
5296 NM De Langvelden 2 - 26
5296 NP De Venakker 1 - 41
5296 NP De Venakker 4 - 36
5296 NR Kromakker 1 - 15
5296 NR Kromakker 2 - 10
5296 NS Looiershof 1 - 29
5296 NS Looiershof 2 - 48
5296 NT Het Kruys 1 - 35
5296 NT Het Kruys 2 - 24
5296 NV Broxven 1 - 5
5296 NV Broxven 2 - 10
5296 NW Het Root 1 - 7
5296 NX Hopakker 2 - 12
5296 NZ Zantakker 1 - 11
5296 NZ Zantakker 2 - 6
5296 PA Halsebroek 2 - 2
5296 PB Sancta Monica 1 - 43
5296 PB Sancta Monica 2 - 44
5296 PZ Hal 11 - 35
5296 KT Smaldijkje 1 - 1
5296 MB Grutto 1 - 13
5296 MB Grutto 2 - 2
5296 KC Overeind 1 - 1
5296 KC Overeind 2 - 2
5296 MC Ooievaar 1 - 61

Esch on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Esch

Latitude and longitude of Esch
Latitude (N): 51.61551286
Longitude (E): 5.29391417

Homes for sale on zipcode 5296

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 5296.

Groenweg 7
5296 LZ Esch
Spankerstraat 1
5296 KM Esch
Haarenseweg 16
5296 KB Esch
Dorpsstraat 39
5296 LT Esch
Dorpsstraat 24
5296 LV Esch

Homes for rent on zipcode 5296

Newest houses for rent on zipcode 5296.

Gestelseweg 4
5296 KP Esch
€ 1.350 per maand (geen servicekosten)