Zipcode 5296KD belongs to post boxes in Esch

The zipcode 5296KD in Esch has the number range 1 to 3.

General information of zipcode 5296KD in Esch

Overview zipcode Esch
Zipcode 5296KD
Zipcode number 5296
Municipality Boxtel
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5296KD in Esch

5296 KA Haarenseweg 1 - 31
5296 KB Haarenseweg 2 - 32
5296 KD Koolwijksestraat 1 - 3
5296 KE De Ruiting 1 - 7
5296 KE De Ruiting 2 - 8
5296 KG Pickensteeg 1 - 3
5296 KG Pickensteeg 2 - 2
5296 KH Witvensedijk 1 - 21
5296 KH Witvensedijk 2 - 12
5296 KJ Broekstraat 1 - 5
5296 KK Groenendaal 1 - 5
5296 KK Groenendaal 2 - 2
5296 KL Baarschot 2 - 6
5296 KM Spankerstraat 1 - 11
5296 KM Spankerstraat 2 - 16
5296 KN Runsdijk 1 - 7
5296 KN Runsdijk 2 - 18
5296 KP Gestelseweg 1 - 5
5296 KP Gestelseweg 4 - 10
5296 KR Nachtegaallaantje 1 - 1
5296 KR Nachtegaallaantje 2 - 4
5296 KS Heikant 2 - 6
5296 KS Heikant 3 - 15
5296 KT Smaldijkje 2 - 2
5296 KV Koningsweg 1 - 15
5296 KV Koningsweg 2 - 4
5296 KW Leunisdijk 1 - 27
5296 KX Leunisdijk 29 - 55
5296 KZ Leunisdijk 2 - 44
5296 LA Romeinseberg 1 - 15
5296 LA Romeinseberg 2 - 24
5296 LB Het Nieuwland 1 - 5
5296 LB Het Nieuwland 2 - 24
5296 LC Kollenberg 1 - 53
5296 LD Kollenberg 4 - 36
5296 LE Kollenberg 38 - 68
5296 LG Kerkdries 1 - 7
5296 LG Kerkdries 2 - 8
5296 LH Beemd 1 - 15
5296 LH Beemd 2 - 16
5296 LJ Hulsberg 1 - 31
5296 LK Hulsberg 2 - 32
5296 LL Lochtenberg 1 - 19
5296 LL Lochtenberg 2 - 24
5296 LM Postelstraat 1 - 31
5296 LN Postelstraat 2 - 38
5296 LP Postelstraat 40 - 76
5296 LR Vinkenheuvel 1 - 19
5296 LR Vinkenheuvel 2 - 22
5296 LS Dorpsstraat 1 - 3
5296 LT Dorpsstraat 5 - 43
5296 LV Dorpsstraat 2 - 44
5296 LX Weiakker 1 - 19
5296 LX Weiakker 2 - 20
5296 LZ Groenweg 1 - 25
5296 LZ Groenweg 2 - 22
5296 MA Den Bogerd 2 - 38
5296 NA Marktplein 1 - 7
5296 NA Marktplein 2 - 2
5296 NB De Schoolakker 1 - 3
5296 NB De Schoolakker 2 - 4
5296 NC De Wertjes 1 - 1
5296 NC De Wertjes 4 - 8
5296 ND Willibrordusweg 1 - 43
5296 NE Willibrordusweg 2 - 62
5296 NG Antoniusweg 1 - 19
5296 NH Antoniusweg 2 - 12
5296 NJ De Hofstad 1 - 23
5296 NK De Hofstad 2 - 16
5296 NL De Langvelden 1 - 21
5296 NM De Langvelden 2 - 26
5296 NP De Venakker 1 - 41
5296 NP De Venakker 4 - 36
5296 NR Kromakker 1 - 15
5296 NR Kromakker 2 - 10
5296 NS Looiershof 1 - 29
5296 NS Looiershof 2 - 48
5296 NT Het Kruys 1 - 35
5296 NT Het Kruys 2 - 24
5296 NV Broxven 1 - 5
5296 NV Broxven 2 - 10
5296 NW Het Root 1 - 7
5296 NX Hopakker 2 - 12
5296 NZ Zantakker 1 - 11
5296 NZ Zantakker 2 - 6
5296 PA Halsebroek 2 - 2
5296 PB Sancta Monica 1 - 43
5296 PB Sancta Monica 2 - 44
5296 PZ Hal 11 - 35
5296 KT Smaldijkje 1 - 1
5296 MB Grutto 1 - 13
5296 MB Grutto 2 - 2
5296 KC Overeind 1 - 1
5296 KC Overeind 2 - 2
5296 MC Ooievaar 1 - 61

Zipcode 5296KD in Esch on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Esch

Latitude and longitude of Esch
Latitude (N): 51.61209409
Longitude (E): 5.2757218