Zipcode 5381GB belongs to post boxes in Vinkel

The zipcode 5381GB in Vinkel has the number range 1 to 16.

General information of zipcode 5381GB in Vinkel

Overview zipcode Vinkel
Zipcode 5381GB
Zipcode number 5381
Municipality 's-Hertogenbosch
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5381GB in Vinkel

5381 GA Jeroen Boschstraat 1 - 21
5381 GA Jeroen Boschstraat 2 - 18
5381 GB Rembrandtstraat 1 - 15
5381 GB Rembrandtstraat 2 - 16
5381 GC Frans Halsstraat 2 - 8
5381 GD Paulus Potterstraat 1 - 15
5381 GD Paulus Potterstraat 2 - 18
5381 GE Vincent van Goghplein 1 - 15
5381 GG Jan Steenstraat 1 - 13
5381 GH Jan Steenstraat 4 - 12
5381 GJ Lindenlaan 1 - 43
5381 GM Pastoor Vogelsplein 1 - 1
5381 GS Weerscheut 3 - 39
5381 GT Weerscheut 41 - 73
5381 GV Weerscheut 2 - 14
5381 GW Weerscheut 16 - 52
5381 GX Van Rijckevorselweg 9 - 15
5381 GZ Nulandse Weerscheut 3 - 7
5381 HA Koksteeg 1 - 9
5381 HB Koksteeg 19 - 65
5381 HC Koksteeg 4 - 12
5381 HD Bosschebaan 118 - 118
5381 GK Lindenlaan 12 - 20
5381 GK Lindenlaan 2 - 2
5381 GK Lindenlaan 6 - 6
5381 EA Vinkelse Slagen 2 - 46
5381 ED Kraaienbos 6 - 16
5381 EE Het Buske 1 - 33
5381 EC De Demkes 1 - 11
5381 EC De Demkes 2 - 12
5381 EA Vinkelse Slagen 1 - 27
5381 EB De Loop 8 - 24
5381 EB De Loop 1 - 27
5381 EE Het Buske 2 - 6
5381 ED Kraaienbos 1 - 13
5381 EG Kruisbos 1 - 1
5381 EH Broekbos 1 - 33

Zipcode 5381GB in Vinkel on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Vinkel

Latitude and longitude of Vinkel
Latitude (N): 51.7063764
Longitude (E): 5.46261675

Homes for sale on zipcode 5381GB

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 5381GB.

Rembrandtstraat 3
5381 GB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 439.500 k.k.
Rembrandtstraat 2
5381 GB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 575.000 k.k.
Rembrandtstraat 9
5381 GB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 400.000 k.k.
Rembrandtstraat 5
5381 GB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 249.000 k.k.