Zipcode 5381HB belongs to post boxes in Vinkel

The zipcode 5381HB in Vinkel has the number range 19 to 65.

General information of zipcode 5381HB in Vinkel

Overview zipcode Vinkel
Zipcode 5381HB
Zipcode number 5381
Municipality 's-Hertogenbosch
Province Noord-Brabant

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5381HB in Vinkel

5381 GA Jeroen Boschstraat 1 - 21
5381 GA Jeroen Boschstraat 2 - 18
5381 GB Rembrandtstraat 1 - 15
5381 GB Rembrandtstraat 2 - 16
5381 GC Frans Halsstraat 2 - 8
5381 GD Paulus Potterstraat 1 - 15
5381 GD Paulus Potterstraat 2 - 18
5381 GE Vincent van Goghplein 1 - 15
5381 GG Jan Steenstraat 1 - 13
5381 GH Jan Steenstraat 4 - 12
5381 GJ Lindenlaan 1 - 43
5381 GM Pastoor Vogelsplein 1 - 1
5381 GS Weerscheut 3 - 39
5381 GT Weerscheut 41 - 73
5381 GV Weerscheut 2 - 14
5381 GW Weerscheut 16 - 52
5381 GX Van Rijckevorselweg 9 - 15
5381 GZ Nulandse Weerscheut 3 - 7
5381 HA Koksteeg 1 - 9
5381 HB Koksteeg 19 - 65
5381 HC Koksteeg 4 - 12
5381 HD Bosschebaan 118 - 118
5381 GK Lindenlaan 12 - 20
5381 GK Lindenlaan 2 - 2
5381 GK Lindenlaan 6 - 6
5381 EA Vinkelse Slagen 2 - 46
5381 ED Kraaienbos 6 - 16
5381 EE Het Buske 1 - 33
5381 EC De Demkes 1 - 11
5381 EC De Demkes 2 - 12
5381 EA Vinkelse Slagen 1 - 27
5381 EB De Loop 8 - 24
5381 EB De Loop 1 - 27
5381 EE Het Buske 2 - 6
5381 ED Kraaienbos 1 - 13
5381 EG Kruisbos 1 - 1
5381 EH Broekbos 1 - 33

Zipcode 5381HB in Vinkel on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Vinkel

Latitude and longitude of Vinkel
Latitude (N): 51.71180137
Longitude (E): 5.47495403

Homes for sale on zipcode 5381HB

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 5381HB.

5381 HB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 399.000 v.o.n.
5381 HB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 375.000 v.o.n.
5381 HB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 345.000 v.o.n.
5381 HB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 415.000 v.o.n.
Koksteeg 61
5381 HB Vinkel (Gem. Den Bosch)
€ 519.000 k.k.