Zipcode 5815AG belongs to post boxes in Merselo

The zipcode 5815AG in Merselo has the number range 48 to 92.

General information of zipcode 5815AG in Merselo

Overview zipcode Merselo
Zipcode 5815AG
Zipcode number 5815
Municipality Venray
Province Limburg

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5815AG in Merselo

5815 AB Grootdorp 3 - 19
5815 AC Grootdorp 21 - 65
5815 AD Grootdorp 6 - 24
5815 AE Grootdorp 26 - 46
5815 AG Grootdorp 48 - 92
5815 AH Dorperveld 1 - 29
5815 AH Dorperveld 2 - 14
5815 AJ Coppelenberg 2 - 42
5815 AJ Coppelenberg 3 - 31
5815 AK Wethouder Pubbenstraat 1 - 21
5815 AK Wethouder Pubbenstraat 2 - 18
5815 AL Pastoor Vercoulenstraat 1 - 13
5815 AL Pastoor Vercoulenstraat 2 - 22
5815 AM Pastoor de Botstraat 1 - 15
5815 AM Pastoor de Botstraat 2 - 28
5815 AN Grootdorp 67 - 99
5815 AP Merseloseweg 167 - 167
5815 AP Merseloseweg 180 - 188
5815 AR Vloetweg 1 - 25
5815 AR Vloetweg 2 - 28
5815 AS Kranendries 1 - 5
5815 AT Mulders Franshof 1 - 7
5815 AT Mulders Franshof 2 - 8
5815 CA Weverslo 2 - 6
5815 CA Weverslo 3 - 5
5815 CB Haag 2 - 50
5815 CB Haag 1 - 43
5815 CC Ossendijk 80 - 80
5815 CD Schaapskuil 1 - 5
5815 CE Opdekamp 1 - 1
5815 CE Opdekamp 2 - 4
5815 CJ Daland 2 - 8
5815 CJ Daland 7 - 7
5815 CK Testrik 1 - 3
5815 CK Testrik 2 - 2
5815 CL Kleindorp 1 - 37
5815 CL Kleindorp 2 - 32
5815 CM De Boterpot 5 - 7
5815 CN Beekweg 52 - 66
5815 CN Beekweg 69 - 83
5815 CP Rozendaal 1 - 1
5815 CP Rozendaal 2 - 8
5815 CR Endepoel 6 - 20
5815 CR Endepoel 9 - 9
5815 CS Beek 1 - 7
5815 CS Beek 2 - 10
5815 CT Pas 1 - 11
5815 CT Pas 2 - 8
5815 CV Handrik 1 - 25
5815 CV Handrik 2 - 2
5815 CW Veldstraat 1 - 39
5815 CX Veldstraat 4 - 34
5815 CZ Ossendijk 10 - 12
5815 CZ Ossendijk 11 - 11
5815 EA Deskesven 3 - 11
5815 EB Op de Ries 1 - 21
5815 EB Op de Ries 2 - 14
5815 EC De Hees 4 - 10
5815 ED De Steeg 2 - 10
5815 ED De Steeg 7 - 9
5815 EE Den Tiel 3 - 3
5815 EE Den Tiel 4 - 6
5815 EG Bekerveld 6 - 6
5815 EH Loonsedijk 4 - 12
5815 EH Loonsedijk 5 - 15
5815 EJ Hansenberg 2 - 6
5815 EJ Hansenberg 3 - 13
5815 CH Bakelsedijk 1 - 1

Zipcode 5815AG in Merselo on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Merselo

Latitude and longitude of Merselo
Latitude (N): 51.53048708
Longitude (E): 5.92683526

Homes for sale on zipcode 5815AG

Newest houses for sale on zipcode 5815AG.

Grootdorp 50
5815 AG Merselo
Prijs op aanvraag
Grootdorp 60
5815 AG Merselo
€ 419.000 k.k.
Grootdorp 60
5815 AG Merselo
€ 345.000 k.k.
Grootdorp 88
5815 AG Merselo
€ 449.000 k.k.
Grootdorp 50
5815 AG Merselo
€ 219.000 k.k.