Zipcode 5815CP belongs to post boxes in Merselo

The zipcode 5815CP in Merselo has the number range 1 to 8.

General information of zipcode 5815CP in Merselo

Overview zipcode Merselo
Zipcode 5815CP
Zipcode number 5815
Municipality Venray
Province Limburg

What is a PO Box?

A PO box is a facility in many countries to store postal items, which is rented by the addressee. The associated postal service provides the user with a lockable cabinet or storage of larger quantities in the adjacent central space. The separately stored items can be collected during office hours at a special desk.

All streets and zipcodes of zipcode 5815CP in Merselo

5815 AB Grootdorp 3 - 19
5815 AC Grootdorp 21 - 65
5815 AD Grootdorp 6 - 24
5815 AE Grootdorp 26 - 46
5815 AG Grootdorp 48 - 92
5815 AH Dorperveld 1 - 29
5815 AH Dorperveld 2 - 14
5815 AJ Coppelenberg 2 - 42
5815 AJ Coppelenberg 3 - 31
5815 AK Wethouder Pubbenstraat 1 - 21
5815 AK Wethouder Pubbenstraat 2 - 18
5815 AL Pastoor Vercoulenstraat 1 - 13
5815 AL Pastoor Vercoulenstraat 2 - 22
5815 AM Pastoor de Botstraat 1 - 15
5815 AM Pastoor de Botstraat 2 - 28
5815 AN Grootdorp 67 - 99
5815 AP Merseloseweg 167 - 167
5815 AP Merseloseweg 180 - 188
5815 AR Vloetweg 1 - 25
5815 AR Vloetweg 2 - 28
5815 AS Kranendries 1 - 5
5815 AT Mulders Franshof 1 - 7
5815 AT Mulders Franshof 2 - 8
5815 CA Weverslo 2 - 6
5815 CA Weverslo 3 - 5
5815 CB Haag 2 - 50
5815 CB Haag 1 - 43
5815 CC Ossendijk 80 - 80
5815 CD Schaapskuil 1 - 5
5815 CE Opdekamp 1 - 1
5815 CE Opdekamp 2 - 4
5815 CJ Daland 2 - 8
5815 CJ Daland 7 - 7
5815 CK Testrik 1 - 3
5815 CK Testrik 2 - 2
5815 CL Kleindorp 1 - 37
5815 CL Kleindorp 2 - 32
5815 CM De Boterpot 5 - 7
5815 CN Beekweg 52 - 66
5815 CN Beekweg 69 - 83
5815 CP Rozendaal 1 - 1
5815 CP Rozendaal 2 - 8
5815 CR Endepoel 6 - 20
5815 CR Endepoel 9 - 9
5815 CS Beek 1 - 7
5815 CS Beek 2 - 10
5815 CT Pas 1 - 11
5815 CT Pas 2 - 8
5815 CV Handrik 1 - 25
5815 CV Handrik 2 - 2
5815 CW Veldstraat 1 - 39
5815 CX Veldstraat 4 - 34
5815 CZ Ossendijk 10 - 12
5815 CZ Ossendijk 11 - 11
5815 EA Deskesven 3 - 11
5815 EB Op de Ries 1 - 21
5815 EB Op de Ries 2 - 14
5815 EC De Hees 4 - 10
5815 ED De Steeg 2 - 10
5815 ED De Steeg 7 - 9
5815 EE Den Tiel 3 - 3
5815 EE Den Tiel 4 - 6
5815 EG Bekerveld 6 - 6
5815 EH Loonsedijk 4 - 12
5815 EH Loonsedijk 5 - 15
5815 EJ Hansenberg 2 - 6
5815 EJ Hansenberg 3 - 13
5815 CH Bakelsedijk 1 - 1

Zipcode 5815CP in Merselo on the map

Geographic (GPS) information Merselo

Latitude and longitude of Merselo
Latitude (N): 51.54990131
Longitude (E): 5.91935502